Friday, November 28, 2008

Texas Holdem Poker... Site

Texas Holdem Poker...

How Would You Like To Quit Your Job And Play Texas Holdem Poker For A
Living? Cut-Throat Poker Rounder Goes Underground Into The Tijuana Lab And
Exposes The Hard Core Tricks Of The Poker Trade Poker Sites And A Few Select
Pro-Hustlers Are FURIOUS, These...


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Strategy is Where its at!!

Sit And Go Poker Strategy... Site

Sit And Go Poker Strategy...

Discover the Exact Breakthrough Sit and Go Strategy an Underground Poker Pro
Uses to Earn Over $1200.00 Per Night Effortlessly at Online Poker Sit and Go
(SNG) Tournaments. This strategy will help you dominate online sit and go
poker tournaments!...


Thursday, December 21, 2006

With Poker Nutz "The Instant Online Gaming Cash Course" you will instantly make leaps ahead of 99% of all the poker players online. Most people just have never heard of this stuff. Not only do you get the critically acclaimed E-Booksin my course, buy you also get "Step by Step" Videos, and Audio training programs that guide you through the whole thing. It's so ridiculously simple, it should be illegal.
You get hands on training that will make you completely confident of what to do in any Texas Hold-Em scenarios. Also, I frequently update my members with all types of bonuses, and special programs that exist. These programs and bonuses are full of money stacking information that you can't afford to miss out on. It's terribly sad to see so many people losing at online poker when they could easily be winners.Okay, I take that back. It's really not that sad. In fact it's because of these losers that I am able to profit so handsomely. And you are going to learn how it's done. Read More....

Friday, December 15, 2006

Do you want to play a better game of TEXAS HOLDEM?
*Maybe you’d like to win more money (or just stop losing.)
*Maybe you’d like to improve your finish level in tournaments?
*Whatever your reason and whether you are a novice, intermediate or, even a pro player, you can improve your Holdem game. In this new eBook, the “MIT Holdem Point Count System,” a simple and easy to use point count system is outlined so you will NEVER AGAIN guess whether to CALL, RAISE or FOLD before the flop.
Impossible? That’s what they said when Professor Edward Thorpe revolutionized the Blackjack world with HIS point count system. The publication of his book, “Beat the Dealer,” caused Las Vegas casinos to change their rules for blackjack because the system was so successful for the players.

One of the common dangers at the poker table is when players change their strategy if they are winning or losing. You lose with a big pair a couple of times and, all of a sudden, you start calling instead of raising. This allows more opponents in the pot and more of a chance you’ll be beaten by two small pair, flush or straight.In spite of your inclinations, remember: The cards have NO MEMORY. Except for a deliberate bluff/steal or the occasional need to disguise your play, you must play like a machine, a computer. No emotion. No superstition.

Count the strength of your hand and you’ll know the play to make. Consistently.

Using this MIT Count System, you will fold the hands that are too weak for your table position. You WILL play strong hands aggressively to maximize the size of your winning pots.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Win Poker Tournaments

Discover How To Win Big Playing Texas Hold ‘em Poker!

Playing Texas Hold'em and poker tournaments with a well-designed system will result in profitable play – and an above-average return on investment (amounts won minus amounts spent entering tournaments).The “system” is just that. A set of time-tested fundamental and techniques, organized into a systematic approach that results in profitable play. No magic formulas, vague concepts or mystical mumbo jumbo. You learn it, you practice it, and you get the expected results.With this material, you'll start off placing in the money at least 25%-30% of the time, and with a little more time and experience applying the system, you'll improve to win 1st place as well.

Here's what you'll discover inside these seven focused lessons:

1. Tournament Strategy Fundamentals - The fundamental strategies for winning poker tournaments – all kinds of tournaments, including Sit and Go tourneys, with betting strategies, money management, starting hands to play (and avoid!) and much more.
2. Playing Position Correctly - You'll learn how to use position at the table properly and to your advantage, including which hands to play from which positions, and how to keep from losing your chips due to poor position.
3. Adjusting to Changing Conditions - The secrets to winning Sit and Go tournaments is adjusting your play as blinds and number of players changes. Done correctly, you'll end up in the final 3 in the money. These are the most important secrets of winning on a consistent basis.
4. Winning Heads-up Play - Arguably one of the most misunderstood, yet most fun and important phase of a tournament, is playing heads-up against another good player. I'll share the secrets of winning heads-up with'll not find these techniques anywhere else, and this chapter alone is worth the price of this entire e-book by itself. Playing winning heads-up poker means the difference between being the Champion and coming in 2nd Place. There's a huge difference in payout that goes to the winner, along with the recognition as the tournament champion, so it's important to be prepared to take 1st place every time you can.
5. Beating Aggressive Players - There's something about no-limit Texas Hold'em that attracts the overly aggressive player, and these players can be very problematic to deal with, so this lesson shows how to take advantage of the aggressive and wild players, and strategies for moving their chip stacks into yours. This is extremely powerful, once you understand how to do it.
6. Online Tells - There are definitely “tells” you can use when playing online. Do you know these tells? Do you use them? If not, chances are they're being used against you! Gain the online edge by understanding online tells. Detecting weakness in other players and using this to your advantage enables you to take pots you wouldn't otherwise get, steal blinds more effectively, and avoid wasting your chips when you're already beaten.
7. Successful Bluffing and Blind Stealing - One of the most important moves in poker is bluffing opponents, and in tournament play, you must be capable of successfully bluffing and stealing blinds as the game progresses, including using techniques such "representing the board", semi-bluffs, knowing when to bluff and when not to attempt it, in order to survive increasing blinds and antes and place in the money, as well as to win heads-up.
Then, there's a final chapter bringing it all together, summarizing how to maximize your Texas Hold ‘em winnings. Once you've been through this short-course, you'll not only become a formidable poker tournament player, you'll also be able to use these same techniques in regular ring games to boost your profits there as well.